every morning she wakes up,
unlocks herself from the icebox
and completes her morning shed.
deep cleanses her skin.
shaves and plucks the hair from
every square inch of her body.
each laugh carves deeper lines next to her mouth and on her forehead.
she must not smile. freeze her expressions. do not de-thaw before use.
this sunday she’s getting her first round of preventative botox.
artificial preservatives for the face. next she’ll move on to filler.
but hasn’t she heard? facelifts are the new filler.
genetically modified skin pulled taut, pumped full of collagen,
and topped off with a thick layer of retinol.
buy more, buy more, buy more. “you’re not ugly you’re just poor."

she’s aged 25 years. she want’s to remain youthful, fresh, unspoiled.
yet her perishable nature keeps seeping in.
each day her mortality staring back at her in her bathroom mirror.

but she’s in luck, 5 different quick and affordable facial studios just opened near her. just pay a monthly membership fee. easy, simple, no-brainer.
estheticians lay her body flat on the butchers counter. examine her raw flesh.
identify and target her skin concerns.
places which have begun to spoil.
chronic redness, sebaceous filaments, patchiness...

and while we're at it...
her boobs are too small, waist somehow not small enough,
hips too dipped, legs too large, lips too thin, nose too bulbous.
plastic surgeons to inject, suck, and cut her up until she’s deemed perfect, but make sure its nothing too dramatic.
nothing too noticeable. she must look natural.
otherwise people will question her character.
well theres a fix for that.
assume she’s vain,
self centered,
and even after being professionally dissected she still picks herself apart in the mirror every morning and repeats the process each night, like a meditative ritual
to go along with her 30 step skincare routine.

but is she fox pretty, cat pretty,
deer pretty or bunny pretty?

oh, she's none of those? yeah I don’t think theres a "bird pretty” option. now, about that nose job…
the worth of a woman
lies in her appearance.
doesn’t she want to feel seen,
feel desired, feel sexy?
well maybe she cant be sexy...
just cute or pretty.
produced and shot
by becca morency
edited and written
by becca morency
hair, makeup and styling
by becca morency
music credits_preservation by eartheater